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We are committed to driving health equity through data diversity and global collaboration. Our comprehensive data governance approach ensures the responsible and ethical use of health data, enabling equitable access to quality healthcare and research opportunities worldwide.

Our Journey So Far


tranSMART Foundation IS FOUNDED

Keith and colleagues found the tranSMART Foundation, to enable open sharing of translational research data among pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions.


Founded i2b2-tranSMART Foundation

Keith orchestrates the merger of the tranSMART and i2b2 Foundations, to form the i2b2-tranSMART Foundation - focused on the integration and sharing of clinical and translational research data.

Meet the Team

Axiomedix brings together experts with healthcare and pharma industry expertise, data governance and privacy knowledge, technology and data science expertise, business development and partnerships experience and legal and regulatory compliance experience. Our backgrounds come from for-profit, non-profit, commercial data providers, health systems and entrepreneurial companies. â€‹

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