We are committed to driving health equity through data diversity and global collaboration. Our comprehensive data governance approach ensures the responsible and ethical use of health data, enabling equitable access to quality healthcare and research opportunities worldwide.

Our Journey So Far
tranSMART Foundation IS FOUNDED
Keith and colleagues found the tranSMART Foundation, to enable open sharing of translational research data among pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions.
Founded i2b2-tranSMART Foundation
Keith orchestrates the merger of the tranSMART and i2b2 Foundations, to form the i2b2-tranSMART Foundation - focused on the integration and sharing of clinical and translational research data.
Meet the Team
Axiomedix brings together experts with healthcare and pharma industry expertise, data governance and privacy knowledge, technology and data science expertise, business development and partnerships experience and legal and regulatory compliance experience. Our backgrounds come from for-profit, non-profit, commercial data providers, health systems and entrepreneurial companies.

Keith Elliston
Keith is a scientist/entrepreneur in the for-profit and non-profit biomedical space, and has co-founded more than a dozen companies. He was a founder and Executive Director of the i2b2 tranSMART Foundation, he founded the Systems Biology program at CHDI Foundation, and he was Chief Commercial Officer at Curoverse. He has also been the founder and CEO or CSO of biotechnology companies in the areas of biomedical computing, artificial intelligence, systems biology, and genomics. He has spent his career in the pharmaceutical (Merck and Bayer) and biotechnology (Gene Logic, Viaken, Genstruct/Selventa) industries, and in the non-profit (CHDI, tranSMART, i2b2 tranSMART Foundations) space.

Steve Johnson
Steve is an experienced finance and strategy executive, and has served as VP of Finance and/or CFO for numerous public and private companies including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Avid Technology, Panviva, Abiomed, Punchey, Inc., and TechCXO. He also has extensive experience with non-profit foundations, and serves on the Finance Committee of the Autism Foundation.

Scott Blodgett
Scott is an experienced healthcare technology executive with deep roots in product development and hospital operations. He has extensive experience having served in leadership roles in Provider and Payor organizations and worked closely with the Life Sciences industry to responsibly monetize patient data for research and clinical trials. He served as the Chief Technology Officer for Optum Analytics (the leader in RWE), CTO for Cancer Treatment Centers of America, and was the CTO for PHEMI Systems. Scott also serve as a company commander in the US Army and Reserves.

Director Data Operations | UK
Peter Rice
Peter Rice is a highly-experienced bioinformatician and scientific software developer. Peter has been working as a lead developer on tranSMART since the project became open source in 2013, and was the senior tranSMART developer on the European eTRIKS project (€24M IMI project) and leads the tranSMART development efforts with the i2b2-tranSMART Foundation. Peter is the release manager for tranSMART, and is currently responsible for the new tranSMART 19 release. He serves as a member of the tranSMART PMC and he is also the Foundation data content manager responsible for the postgres and oracle schemas and managing a collection of curated public patient datasets. Peter also manages an Axiomedix i2b2/tranSMART server, several tranSMART servers, and is developing an installer for our i2b2 server. Previously Peter was a senior developer with the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Lion Bioscience, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Peter is the lead developer for the open-source EMBOSS suite for molecular sequence analysis.

GM | Canada
Luticia (Tish) Hill
Tish has experience and an understanding of regulations, policies, and privacy laws pertinent to health data management in Canada. Presently, she serves as a consultant to both the Ministry of Health in British Columbia and Saskatchewan Health, having previously held the position of Vice President at PHEMI Systems in Vancouver. Tish holds a degree in health information science from the University of Victoria in British Columbia. Her professional background includes roles at Microsoft in Redmond, WA, as well as the award winning technology startups.

Board and Advisor
Zelalem Temesgen
Dr. Zelalem Temesgen MD is an infectious diseases physician and a Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He serves as director of the Mayo Clinic HIV program and the Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis as well as being actively involved in education and research. His educational activities have been acknowledged with a “Recognition for Teaching” award, “Best Teacher of the Year” award, an “Innovation in Education” award, and the “Mayo Clinic Distinguished Educator” award, the highest award for education given at Mayo Clinic.
Dr. Temesgen has served as the principal investigator for over 40 clinical trials, including as site principal investigator (PI) for several NIH-sponsored trials in HIV, influenza, COVID-19, and c. difficile infections. Additional research-related experience includes several years’ service as a member of the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board (IRB) and membership in as well as chairing Data and Safety Monitoring Boards. His bibliography currently lists over 180 peer-reviewed papers, 21 book chapters, 4 editorials, 2 indexed letters, 3 books, and numerous abstracts presented at professional meetings. Dr. Temesgen is the editor-in-chief of the Clinical Journal of Tuberculosis and other Mycobacterial Diseases and editor-in-chief of 3 books: Mayo Clinic Infectious Diseases Board Review Book; Fundamentals of Global HIV Medicine; and General Approach to Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Temesgen serves as a member of: US DHHS Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the World Health Organization Taskforce on Digital Health for Tuberculosis. Past services include: Chair, American Academy of HIV Medicine; member, US Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS; member, Lancet Commission on Tuberculosis; member, DHHS Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents; member, Scientific Advisory Board for the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); and member the National Board of Medical Examiners USMLE Microbiology & Immunology Test Material Development Committee.